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About Us

Soccer Performance International (SPI) is a proud partner of the Women’s Premier Soccer League (WPSL) and is the official management company for the WPSL International Combine (IC). The WPSL IC is seen as an opportunity to showcase our WPSL athletes on a global stage and to recognize our host WPSL clubs.
Our Vision – “Enhancing player education and opportunities through a global network”
Our Mission-  Soccer Performance International (SPI) continues to reach across international borders and share world renowned football training methodologies, educational methods and now, player international team placement. We continuously strive to expand the knowledge base and opportunities of players throughout the USA utilizing our vast global network.
Our Staff-  All our educational and player placement programs are planned and implemented by our international partner coaches, trainers, player intermediaries (agents) and scouts. These highly qualified and trained individuals are UEFA and/or FIGC (Italian Soccer Federation) Certified coaches, FIFA certified agents and scouts. All of them take tremendous pride in the educational programs and career paths that will deeply affect the next generation of players. 
Our Partners-  SPI continues to forge and strengthen professional relationships that ultimately benefit our athletes. Together we'll create individual player profiles easily accessible to clubs looking for specific "top-level" players. 


Presidents' Welcome

Welcome! Regardless if you found us by chance or were referred to us, we hope that this website can lead you in the right direction when planning your own, personal education and soccer career development. 
For almost 30 years SPI has quietly gone about its’ business of developing clubs, teams, individual coaches and players. We’ve had the opportunity of working with thousands of players and hundreds of coaches throughout the years, many of which have moved on to play (or coach) at high levels around the world.
Now, like many of the players we trained and coached years ago, SPI has “grown-up”. We’ve now added programs that are intended to provide all of you with a portal and journey through the world of soccer education and an encounter with some of the most prestigious clubs from around the world.
Over the years SPI has partnered with some of the most prominent and well-known international clubs to provide all of you opportunities of a lifetime. Over the years we’ve travelled the globe establishing contacts and creating partnerships all intended to open doors for our players. I feel extremely confident that we, through our prestigious international partners and contacts, can provide our players with a good probability of finding a club abroad.
As an organization we continue to inspire, educate and prepare our players by introducing them to "high-level" training methodologies. Our affiliation with top level coaches from the Italian Soccer Federation (FIGC) and all our UEFA certified coaches provides us with limitless opportunities to share knowledge to our next generation of players. This, we promise, will never change!
In closing, we once again find ourselves at the “beginning” but this time our focus is on you as an individual player looking for your international opportunity. There are no guarantees in football, but we do pledge to be by your side through every tryout, evaluation and interview. To all the footballers out there willing to take a chance, you have our full attention. 

Andy Vera